Monday, June 13, 2011


Boxer Puppy

Just had a visit from Naomi and Alexis and they are actively encouraging me to get a dog and it has been my flight of fancy for some time to have a Boxer female and to call her Lindsay.

Those of you who have read the Women's Murder Club series by James Patterson will recognize straight away the significance of the name.   Those who have no idea where this comes from - "Lindsay Boxer" is the lead character in this series.

I would dearly love to have the company of a dog and to enjoy the delightful times we could spend, but it isn't going to happen.  I very clearly told the girls "NO" and they were quick to retort with the fact that they felt my "reasons" were "excuses".

It confuses me when I feel the need to justify my actions or decisions, but despite the comfort and companionship that "Lindsay" and I could share - I feel it would be grossly unfair to have to leave her if I had to go to hospital for even a little while.

I would certainly enjoy her and the walks by the river that we could share, but it is going to have to be just in my dreams as she would fret and I would fret if I had to leave her.

I like this space as it allows me to share my feelings and emotions and it is just this - "my soliloquy".
and having got this off my chest I am getting on with "life without Lindsay" and after all my cat reigns supreme here and is difficult enough without having her nose put out of joint.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I so feel for you, a dog is a lifetime friend but also understand totally the not wanting to leave her. Your dog comes first (or mine always has) and is a long commitment and all has to be considered.
    Hail the reign of the cat!
