Saturday, June 11, 2011


Saturday night early and I am off to bed and the thoughts buzzing through my head are about if it will be a good night's sleep or if I will be restless and up and down all night.

I often get up and have a warm drink and then try sleep again and I wonder why sleep is not my companion - it is because children who were poor sleepers broke the pattern of my sleep, it is times of worry and concern, is it the strict routine in hospital that has brought about this habit.   I am very tired around early evening so go to bed and read a while so at least I am resting.

I wonder who else has trouble sleeping and has anyone been able to ascertain for certain why their sleep patterns are disturbed.

Yawning now and hoping for a sweet and peaceful sleep.

Love and hugs,



  1. I pray you have a good sleep Linda - I'm with you and wish I could stay asleep peacefully it is so annoying sleep evades me lately and when I do get some my body is so painful it wakes me up - not good. I hear you believe me. Resting is good but not the same as a good sleep when the body heals itself. I hope it gets better for you xo

  2. My main sleep problem is that I don't get enough of it. I turn lights out around 11pm but always wake up about 5am and as I have never been one to lie abed once I wake, up I get and usually use the time to answer emails and generally be on the laptop. If only I could sleep for another hour or two! Sigh! Of course, there is the odd night when I just can't get off to sleep and will sometimes toss and turn until 2 or 2.30am and I do go off eventually, but I still wake around 5am. So you see, I do sympathise with your problem. One good reason why you can't get off to sleep is that your brain is still so active. Have you tried meditating when you are ready to drift off? It might be the way to quieten those unruly thoughts buzzing about.
