Sunday, June 12, 2011


This morning I woke early and after a visit to the Bathroom told me it was very cold I decided to stay in bed a while where I was warm.

I am currently working my way through the TV series "The West Wing" again and enjoying it - so this morning I indulged myself by watching two episodes in bed before breakfast.

No big deal I hear you say - then why oh why do I feel guilty?  The only thing I can think of is the way I was raised - wake up - get up, get dressed and on with the day.  I am usually showered and dressed and on the go between 5 and 6 each morning, but today it was 7.30 before I put foot to the floor.

These feelings come I guess too because I no longer have little ones demanding breakfast and everyone else is big enough to take care of themselves and is off doing their own thing anyway.

I hope these feelings of guilt and waste of time leave really soon as I did enjoy being warm and being entertained by Josh. Sam, CJ, Donna and of course the delightful Toby.

These are my pensive thoughts on this beautiful Sunday - sending love and care your way.


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